Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Friend

Today isn't just Friday. It's Five Minute Friday! A couple hundred of us go here every week to see what the prompt for the day is, and then we simply write for five minutes on what that word makes us think and feel. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes sad. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes hard! But it's always fun. So why don't you join us?!

Today's word is Friend.


Friends. They come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Some are just acquaintance friends - people you've known all your life and certainly aren't enemies, so they must be your friend. There are those who are friendly to you and you are friendly back to. They're fun to hang out with when they're around, but you don't miss them too terribly when they're not.

There's those friends who are in your life for a time, whether short or long, and you feel like they will be there forever, but circumstances change and life happens, and then they're not really there anymore. Those ones make me sad. It's like losing a little bit of yourself. But I've come to realize that it's okay. Some people aren't supposed to be in your life forever. But you'll still have those wonderful memories. And they may re-enter your life at a later time. You never know.

Then there are those oh-so rare treasures of a friend who you can't live without and who are ALWAYS there, who know you so well they know all your flaws and have seen you at your worst AND at your best, and love you through all of it!! I am SO blessed to have more than a couple of those friends. Some of them I've known basically all my life. And then there's an amazing group of ladies I've met within the past year or two. We're spread out all over the States and Canada, and I've never met any of them. But they are some of the best friends I've ever had!

So yeah. There are many degrees of friendship. But I cherish them all and am so thankful for all of them, especially those wonderful best friends who are always there for me.

A friend loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17) and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

Do you have any good friend stories to share? Put them in the comments below! I'd love to hear them :)

For more posts on Friend, go here, and to learn more about Five Minute Friday, click the button below.

Five Minute Friday

Monday, April 22, 2013

God's Perfect Timing

Okay, I have posted before about waiting on God's timing. It's true, He has everything planned out for us and knows so much better than we do when those things should happen, or even if they should happen at all!

But did you ever think about all those times He helped you do something just in time? Or gave you that thing you needed right at the last minute?

God's timing is ALWAYS perfect, so it makes sense that He would help us with the little things and the now things, as well as the maybe/later things.

I have been noticing this SO much lately. God is amazing. And he literally saves me every day. Last Monday, dreaded tax day, I went online to file my local taxes. I had put those off thinking they're so easy... but when I went to pay with my credit card there was an error and it turned out I would have to mail it!! This was at 4:50 and the post office closes at 5:00. I scrambled to find the address, write a check, address and stamp the envelope, and got to the post office ONE minute before they closed. Amazing!

About thirty minutes ago I realized that my car insurance bill is due today. We have it set up to automatically take the payment out of our checking account because we get a discount for having it that way. But you have the option of moving your due date to within ten days if you really need to. Anyway, God allowed me to be reminded of this just a little while ago, and I freaked out a little in my head and called customer service, not even knowing if they were open all night... And they answered at 12:18 am and changed my due date for me in less than a minute. No problem at all. Thank God!

So sometimes He lets it go the very last minute, but then He reminds you, gets you there in time, and it is just awesome. Those were just two examples, but I had so many more experiences like that just this week!

This is what the Lord says: "In the time of my favor, I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you." (Isaiah 49:8)

He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority." (Acts 1:7)

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Jump

Five Minute Friday! I know, I've only got a few minutes left of today. So here goes. Today's word is Jump. Oh boy.


Okay, I have NO clue what to write about jump. I'll just type exactly what's going through my brain. That's basically what five minute friday is anyway.

Jumping jacks. Jump rope. Jump5. Ooh, I need to listen to their songs again. Leap frog. Jump off a bridge. No, that sounds bad. Jump into a swimming hole. Or a swimming pool. Or a river. Just to swim. Lazy river. Love those, want to do that. I want to go rock climbing. Kayaking. Back to jump. My phone just went off. I should check it but I'll wait til I'm done this. Joey's probably on his way home. Jump... Jump... Jump rope. Said that already. I don't know. The scene from Pride and Prejudice where Keira Knightley is standing on that cliff. And then that scene from Lord of the Rings where Eowyn is standing on that cliff. Hahaha, then that weird dude got shoved down the stairs. What's his name? Worm... Greenworm! Wormtongue! Oh I don't remember. Something like that. Okay wow I am SO off topic now. I think it's time to stop.

Click here to read posts about Jump that probably made a lot more sense. Click on the button below to find out more about Five Minute Friday. Have a great weekend!!
Five Minute Friday

Friday, April 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Here

Friday is when a brave bunch decides to write for five minutes on the same topic and then share our thoughts over on Lisa-Jo Baker's blog. It's fun, and there's no right way to do it. Just write! Today's word is Here.


Right here is where I'm living, learning, growing. Right here is where I sleep and eat and clean. Here is where my husband and I have been building a life for almost four years and where we've had our share of ups and downs. Here is where my belongings are, here is where I park my car (when I have one). Here is where I entertain friends and family in a little room that we use for a living room, game room, party room AND my "office". Here is where I play with our dog. Here is where I attempt to cook. Here is where I read and pray and worry and laugh. Here is where I love.

You know that saying "home is where the heart is"? The here is where my family is, where my heart is, where I am for now. I won't always be here, nor do I want to be, but it's here for now.

Still here, staggering on
Through the impossible we remain 
I can breathe one more day
Still here, still fighting on
All we have is today
Find my way
To the beauty of one more day
Still here
- Still Here by Superchick

Go here for more posts on Here, and click the button below to find out how Five Minute Friday started and how you can join in!
Five Minute Friday

Friday, April 5, 2013

Five Minute Friday - After

It's Five Minute Friday! Time to take that prompt and just write for five minutes without worrying about getting it just right. After all, “You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” –Saul Bellow

Today's word is After. 


Some days it rains. Some days it pours. Some days it's even just a light sprinkle. But you're wet and miserable and your shoes are soaked and you just want to go home. But then the sun comes out. There's rainbows in the puddles and maybe in the sky. And the droplets on the grass and the windows sparkle. The air smells fresh and the earth looks clean. After the rain.

Some days you feel like everything is going wrong. Some days it's only a couple of things. But you're upset and miserable and feel like there's no hope. But then something happens to brighten your mood. Someone gives you a compliment or you find out there is enough money for the bills or a friend receives good news and you are happy for them. And you realize there is hope, and you push your way through the bad stuff. And you start fresh in the morning. After the pain.

For more thoughts on After check out Lisa-Jo Baker's link-up page, and to learn more about Five Minute Friday click the button below.
Five Minute Friday