Saturday, November 23, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Fly

It's Five Minute Friday. Get the word prompt from Lisa-Jo Baker's blog, and then just write for five minutes without worrying about it being just right. Today's word is Fly.


Flight. I love it. I understand the desire for it.

The first time I remember being on a plane was when I was five years old, headed to a family reunion in Illinois. I barely remember it. I know we chewed bubblegum and my little brothers chewed on tootsie rolls to keep our ears from popping. I think it happened anyway.

My grandfather introduced me to the show The A-Team when I was ten. It is still my favorite show. Murdock was and is my favorite character. The crazy pilot.

My grandparents volunteered at a Wycliffe Bible Translators office for many years. And every year we went to their annual family weekend at a local airport. I still look forward to it every year. No matter if I get to fly anywhere else, I have a guaranteed chance to fly once every year at the fair. Some years I take a helicopter ride, some years a small plane. The planes vary. Everything from a six seater to an eleven. And I go all day so I can watch them fly.

I love driving past our local airport. I don't often get to see anything taking off or landing. But the planes are lined up on the side of the runway. And at night, the lights of the runway are almost magical. The anticipation of flight.

I hope to be a pilot, someday. Meanwhile, I can take at least one ride a year, and continue to dream.

As Leonardo da Vinci said, "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

Do you like to fly? Do you love it? Besides planes and helicopters, I love roller coasters, and totally want to go skydiving someday.

To read more posts on Fly, click here. To learn more about Five Minute Fridays, click the button below. And have a wonderful weekend!
Five Minute Friday

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rural Wednesdays - Foggy Out There

One morning this week I let our dog outside and realized how foggy it was in the distance! I just had to go grab my camera and take some shots :) 

(Click on photos to make them bigger.)


Check out other rural photos by clicking the button below. And then share your own!

Rurality Blog Hop #41

Friday, November 15, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Tree

It's Five Minute Friday! Today's word is Tree.


Trees... So beautiful. Some are tall, some wide, some scraggly and small like Charlie Brown's :) They provide oxygen, a place to live for many animals (and even some people!), their wood can be used for so many things, and when the leaves turn colors and fall it's simply gorgeous.

My favorite are Christmas trees. Decorated, of course. I don't like them to be gaudy. I like it to be simple and pretty. I love white Christmas trees. (Although they're artificial, obviously.)

I would love to see Redwoods someday. I so want to walk or even drive through one.

I love climbing trees. I always wanted a tree fort, but the only tree we had in our backyard was really small, barely even big enough to climb.

Dogwoods are another one of my favorites. So pretty when they're flowering, and the way the branches reach out in all directions.

Snow-covered trees are some of the most beautiful things you'll ever see, outside of Heaven.

Well, that's all for today :) Hope you enjoyed my photos. You can check out other posts on Tree here. And for more info on Five Minute Fridays, click the button below. Have a great weekend!
Five Minute Friday

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rural Wednesdays - The Wheel Barrow

Hey! I'm joining in a great blog link-up I found called Rurality Blog Hop. Every Wednesday you can link up with your photo of rural life. I don't know about you, but I just LOVE photos. I love taking them and I love looking at them. So I was so excited when I found this on Monday and was anxious for Wednesday to get here! Then I went and forgot about it yesterday. Oh well. I am doing it now!

 Click on the button below to check out other bloggers' rural photos from this week!
Rurality Blog Hop #40