Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Vote Of Confidence

The latest book I read was A Vote of Confidence by Robin Lee Hatcher, the first book in the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series. It's set in 1915 Idaho, where women have recently "gotten the vote", but some men and even some women don't believe that women should take on roles of leadership. The main character, Gwen Arlington, decides to run for mayor of her small town. This, of course, is going to upset some people! Meanwhile, Morgan McKinley is trying to build his New Hope Health Resort and Spa a few miles outside of town, but he's getting a lot of opposition from the town's leadership. So he decides that if he wants to get anything done soon, he's going to have to run for mayor himself.

So you have three people running for mayor - one, the current mayor, who is a known drunkard, at a time when Idaho is trying to pass prohibition laws; the second, a wealthy man who is new to this small town, and so has not gained the trust of the people; and the third, a woman, in a time when a female mayor was literally unheard of!

This book is exciting, funny, and charming. I loved the story, the characters, and the setting, and I definitely recommend you read it! I am looking forward to reading the next two books in the series, Fit to Be Tied and A Matter of Character.

You can check out Mrs. Hatcher's website here.

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