Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Friend

Today isn't just Friday. It's Five Minute Friday! A couple hundred of us go here every week to see what the prompt for the day is, and then we simply write for five minutes on what that word makes us think and feel. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes sad. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes hard! But it's always fun. So why don't you join us?!

Today's word is Friend.


Friends. They come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Some are just acquaintance friends - people you've known all your life and certainly aren't enemies, so they must be your friend. There are those who are friendly to you and you are friendly back to. They're fun to hang out with when they're around, but you don't miss them too terribly when they're not.

There's those friends who are in your life for a time, whether short or long, and you feel like they will be there forever, but circumstances change and life happens, and then they're not really there anymore. Those ones make me sad. It's like losing a little bit of yourself. But I've come to realize that it's okay. Some people aren't supposed to be in your life forever. But you'll still have those wonderful memories. And they may re-enter your life at a later time. You never know.

Then there are those oh-so rare treasures of a friend who you can't live without and who are ALWAYS there, who know you so well they know all your flaws and have seen you at your worst AND at your best, and love you through all of it!! I am SO blessed to have more than a couple of those friends. Some of them I've known basically all my life. And then there's an amazing group of ladies I've met within the past year or two. We're spread out all over the States and Canada, and I've never met any of them. But they are some of the best friends I've ever had!

So yeah. There are many degrees of friendship. But I cherish them all and am so thankful for all of them, especially those wonderful best friends who are always there for me.

A friend loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17) and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

Do you have any good friend stories to share? Put them in the comments below! I'd love to hear them :)

For more posts on Friend, go here, and to learn more about Five Minute Friday, click the button below.

Five Minute Friday


  1. hey FMF are sooo right...there are sooo many different degrees of friendship...and what a blessing it is to have those deep deep there for you friends....It is good to cherish them. xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Mrs. Brown Kiwi :) And cherish them, indeed!

  2. Such a great post, glad you shared.

  3. So happy to be your friend, Sarah! Hmmm....what group of ladies would that be? :) Hugs!

    1. Lol. I don't know, maybe a certain motley crew... So glad we are friends! <3

  4. So true that sometimes friends are for a season...but it sounds like we're both blessed enough to have those friends that we just can't live without, the ones who know everything and still choose us. :) Blessings and happy Friday!

    1. So glad that you have a few great friends, too, Mel! Thanks for visiting :)

  5. Sarah, I feel so blessed to know you and the others of that "motley crew". Every day, I look forward to hearing from all of you and what's going on in your lives. And it's a privilege to pray for each of you when the seas get a little rough. I'm glad we're friends, too! :)

    1. Angi... same! I love you and all my wonderful crew mates :)

  6. "There's those friends who are in your life for a time, whether short or long, and you feel like they will be there forever, but circumstances change and life happens, and then they're not really there anymore. Those ones make me sad. It's like losing a little bit of yourself. But I've come to realize that it's okay. Some people aren't supposed to be in your life forever. But you'll still have those wonderful memories. And they may re-enter your life at a later time. You never know."

    Loved that paragraph best as I so relate to it! But you are right and those are my thoughts too. Maybe they weren't meant to be there forever or maybe they will connect with us again! I also love the line about the friends who accept you for who you are. I have one of those best friends that I met a few years ago. She knows every detail of my life and still thinks I am awesome-those are the friends a girl needs lots of :D. The friend story with her is that she was a contact I called for an at home business I do. She was in some one else's "throw away" pile and I was given this list of cast offs that hadn't been answering phone calls. She answered, she was my first customer, and we meet in person now once-twice a year.

    Great post! ~Rebekah at (the link to my google account doesn't pull me up).

    1. Aww, Rebekah, I love your story! That is so sweet :) I have an at-home business, too, and yes, some of my now good friends were customers or consultants. You never know where you will find that best friend!! I always think God must like to surprise us :)
      Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing!!

    2. What business do you do, if you don't mind me asking? BTW- I looked at your about page and my best friend lives In Pittsburgh. I live in MI, so that is why we don't get together too often. Looks like you guys live in the same state :)

    3. Rebekah, I'm an independent consultant for Thirty-One Gifts. Have you heard of it? What do you do? Yeah, Pittsburgh is a little ways from me... I've never been there. But it is in the same state :)

  7. Hahahaha- so true! I feel the need to underline, capitalize, SHOUT that some people aren't meant to stay. And that's okay. Because it makes you realize how great the people that do stay are.
